Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Photographing Wedding Sparklers With Your Phone

Photographing Wedding Sparklers With Smartphones

  Capture your joy and entertainment with your smartphone...the right way! Though having a manual camera is ideal, let's put our faith, fancy tech and responsibility to your event photographer.  Fortunately, your guests can take part in adding spectacular pictures to your photo album using their smartphones and a few tricks.  Photographing Wedding Sparklers or Bottle Sparklers are all about positioning, sharpness, and capturing objects in motion.  Gaining some experience with these three key points will ensure a memorable moment splendidly captured by a passionate guest!

How To Take Wedding Sparkler Photos with Iphones

  There is a unique challenge when photographing Wedding Sparklers or Bottle Sparklers.  Keep in mind that Wedding Sparklers or Bottle Sparklers are filled with millions of little bursts of streams of light; the idea is for your picture to pluck each sparkle from the Wedding Sparkler or Bottle Sparkler; the best Wedding Sparkler or Bottle Sparkler pictures we have ever seen all capture the details of the sparkles instead of a clump of light.

Selfie and Camera shot

  We begin with a fun twist to traditional picture-taking.  Before we begin our more technical adventure when photographing Wedding Sparklers / Bottle Sparklers, we are a fan of the Dual Camera Mode.  This factory feature on your smartphone allows a simultaneous selfie and "regular" camera shot.  How unique of an album would you have if all of your pictures contain the vivid expressions of your guests as they cheerfully secure the passing present.  Though the quality of the picture may be less than after applying our following tips, the value of these types of pictures outweighs all others.  Adding Wedding Sparklers or Bottle Sparklers to our Dual Camera Mode picture is a much added bonus!

Say NO to Zoom

  One of the special effects specifically attributed to Wedding Sparklers is capturing clear individual sparkles.  Taking a picture of a glowing Wedding Sparkler or bursting Bottle Sparkler is great, but what if you could also freeze that moment in amazing detail?! First off, do not use digital zoom on your camera phone.  The moment you use digital zoom, the Wedding Sparkler or Bottle Sparkler flame will become pixelated with a lack of sharpness.  Additionally, digital zoom will crop the image and require an extremely steady hand (we all know how shaky pictures turn out when you zoom in with your camera phone).
With no optical zoom as an option, an alternative is being very close to the action.  The closer you are to the Wedding Sparkler or Bottle Sparkler, the better the quality of the picture.  Give your guests a chance to take breathtaking Wedding Sparkler or Bottle Sparkler pictures that could easily be edited on their smartphone.  If you use zoom on your smartphone, the Wedding Sparkler will simply appear as a glowing globe instead of a sparkling dandelion.  This leads to our next trick: use your camera phone's editing options for that professional touch!  All of our smartphones offer a basic editing software that complements the camera's capabilities.  Two great features are gridlines and burst mode (specifically on iPhones).

Factory Editing Options Already on your Phone

  Gridlines allow for proper positioning, a key practice used by professional photographers.  Follow the rule of thirds for the perfect interaction between the camera and your subject(s).  Wedding Sparklers or Bottle Sparklers and those holding them will always be the center of attention.  Following the rule of thirds for instance, will allow for a clear sparkle slightly towards the left, top intersection and the bride and groom (for example) on the right-third intersection.  Burst mode (Drama Shot Mode for Samsung phones) is a cool feature that allows the camera to take rapid-fire pictures for a specified time frame.  Preferably, make sure your camera is as steady as possible!  Burst mode is a great feature on smartphones because it will take advantage of that small window when everything is perfectly still!  Just imaging capturing the exact moment when the Wedding Sparkler or Bottle Sparkler has stretched all of its sparkles as your model(s) is/are consumed by the bliss of the moment!  Your guests will then choose the best of the best or even a corky picture that would otherwise never be captured in time!

Capturing the Sparkling Glow in Your Pictures

  HDR pictures are also another great feature on smartphones.  Wedding Sparkler or Bottle Sparkler photography offers the challenge of different layers of lighting.  The Wedding Sparkler or Bottle Sparkler itself has a high intensity light, the model(s) is/are receiving the soft glow of the Sparkler, and the background carries its own shade.  As such, using flash is often discouraged as it will overexpose the natural gold emission of the Wedding Sparkler or Bottle Sparkler.  HDR photographs, High Dynamic Range, takes the approach of layering different exposure gradients of the same picture.  In other words, your camera will preserve the lighting of each object in the picture and compile it into one. Apps!  Upgrades are at the palm of your hand when deciding to use an app.  With a quick search, you can easily find compatible apps all aimed to take better quality pics.  We highly recommend taking a look into apps that offer adjustments to your phone's shutter speed and exposure.  Both of these features make a huge difference when photographing Wedding Sparklers or Bottle Sparklers.

  We encourage your guests to try these few tricks and have the host(s) create an album of their event purely with the pictures taken by your guests.  If a wedding, the bride and groom can compose a memory album only using the fantastic Wedding Sparkler pictures taken by their lovely friends and family.  If you ever have any questions or concerns about wedding sparkler do not hesitate to call VIP Sparklers and they will sure to make the most out of your sparklers!

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